Futures (2019)
Futures is an installation consisting of a series of colourful geometric constructions that materialize graphical representations concerning the intensification and the financialization of agriculture in North America.

Considering changes in farming practices from the early 20th century to the present, with an emphasis on the past three decades, the constructions give sculptural form to maps and data that survey the rise of monocultural plantations, genetically modified seeds and their associated pesticides, increasing firm concentration as well as the growing importance of financial actors and financial markets in the operations of agriculture.

By mapping the rising involvement of hedge funds, pension funds, insurance companies and investment banks in agricultural markets, farm management and the acquisition of agricultural land, the series suggests a blurring of the line between land as a productive asset and land as an object of speculation.

Futures, 2019, installation including a series of sculptures: wood, natural dyes, ink, string, metal, paper, dimensions variable. Installation view, Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, Omaha, Nebraska.
Richard Ibghy & Marilou Lemmens
The Dead Zone of the Gulf of Mexico
Volume of Futures and Crop Production (Wheat, Corn, Oats, Barley, Rye)
Hedging vs. Speculation on the Chicago Wheat Market (1996 and 2011)
Sales Volume of the 10 Top Meat Processing Companies
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